Eucalyptus tree trimming and pruning services.
By Northern Beaches arborist, Chris Allchin.
A retirement village in Mona Vale recently contracted us to prune large eucalyptus trees overhanging the property. Residents were concerned about limbs dropping and loss of light amenity into common areas. Additionally, the eucalypt leaves were clogging gutters which were difficult to access and clean.
There are strict regulations regarding tree pruning on the Northern Beaches, particularly native trees like Eucaplyts. When trees are pruned incorrectly, rot can get into the tree and the regrowth (epicormic growth) is weakly attached. If this occurs, as the tree grows larger, the epicormic regrowth can be unhealthy and, thereby, extremely dangerous.
The Eucapyts at the property were growing on the neighbouring golf course so I had to successfully liase with all parties involving access, noise and cleanup.
Eipicormic growth and why trees must be pruned correctly.
Epicormic growth refers to the growth of shoots or branches that arise from dormant or adventitious buds on the trunk or branches of a tree. These buds typically remain inactive or suppressed under normal conditions, but they can be triggered to grow in response to stress factors such as fire, pruning, or injury to the tree.
Adventitious buds can play important roles in regeneration and response to stress. For example, if a tree undergoes pruning or experiences damage to its main stem, adventitious buds may sprout from the remaining tissue to generate new growth. Similarly, in some species, adventitious buds can form along roots, allowing the tree to propagate vegetatively.
Northern Beaches tree pruning regulations
You can prune trees or clear vegetation in the following circumstances (as per Council’s website):
- Reasonable pruning of up to 10% of a tree’s canopy within 12 calendar months. Pruning must be in accordance with Australian Standards AS 4373 – 2007
- The removal of deadwood from a tree
- Removal of any species of parasite mistletoe or parasitic plant from any part of a tree
- It meets the criteria of other legislation e.g. under 10/50 Legislation some clearing of vegetation is allowed if your property is mapped in the 10/50 entitlement area.
Note: Trees, native vegetation and bushland are protected under Council’s Development Control Plan and requires consent to remove or clear understorey vegetation. For more information, visit their website.
To discuss tree purning and trimming, contact Northern Beaches arborist, Chris Allchin, for advice.
Chris is a qualified arborist and has undertaken 8 years of study in arboriculture, horticulture and landscaping. Chris is passionate about the environment and is always happy to impart his expertise in plant care to his clients.
The team at Banksia Arborcare services Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Upper North Shore, Lower North Shore and Northern Sydney areas 7 days a week.

About Banksia Arborcare
All tree services Northern Beaches and North Shore Sydney.
Chris Allchin, owner of Banksia Arborcare, is a qualified arborist who has undertaken 8 years of study in arboriculture, horticulture and landscaping to gain a broad and varied understanding of tree and plant care. Starting his career in horticulature in 1986 straight after school, Chris started Banksia Arborcare in 1996.
Chris has decades of experience in a wide range of tree services, making Banksia Arborcare a trusted choice in providing expert, local landscaping advice and solutions.
Affordable and reliable tree services
Safe and reliable tree services.
The team at Banksia Arborcare use only the highest quality, most advanced equipment to ensure all our tree services are safe, reliable and completed on time. We always try to endeavour to educate the public on the significant positives of maintaining a green environment and as a result, we always perform our tree services with the environment in mind.
Arboriculture is a dangerous profession and Banksia Arborcare follow all Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines;
- The Banksia Arborcare team wear protective clothing during emergency tree removal and use well-maintained equipment;
- Removal of small and large trees, leaving the area neat and tidy. Banksia Arborcare can offer experience advice on the planting of new trees and they can supply and plant trees;
- All pruning work complies with Australian Standard AS 4373;
- Stump grinding – unattractive stumps can be turned into fine mulch and used in the garden;
- They will discuss any problematic trees you may have and suggest an appropriate course of action.
Arborist reports.
Chris no longer prepares arborist reports personally however can facilitate connections with local specialists who specialise in arborist report preparation. For assistance, contact Chris directly.
Our arborists can often save problem trees.
Trees make our world a better place, but sometimes they can cause problems, and emergency tree removal becomes necessary. That’s why we recommend you employ an arborist to regularly inspect your trees to predict and, importantly, prevent serious tree problems from arising.
When you suspect a tree problem, whether it’s sick or dangerous, in most instances a tree be saved with just a few maintenance steps.
For advice on how you can maintain happy and healthy trees on your property and neighbourhood, don’t hesitate to contact Chris direct or scroll down to complete our online enquiry form. Chris is passionate about the trees and our environment and is always happy to impart his expertise in plant care to his clients.
The team at Banksia Arborcare service Sydney’s Northern Beaches, North Shore and Northern Sydney areas 7 days a week.